Thinking about buying a lot? Here's a checklist to make sure you've covered all of your bases!
Lot Purchase
What is the amount of equity available for your lot purchase?
What is the method of financing the remainder?
Will you be looking for both a lot acquisition and construction loan?
Have you compared lot sales, improvement costs and area home sales to see if the lot is fairly priced?
Will the seller be offering any financing?
Loan Structure and Disbursement
What types of personal documents will the lender require for processing the loan?
What documents, inspections and reports will the lender need to support your project's feasibility?
What will it cost and how will you pay for those inspections the lender needs?
Are you getting the best loan-to-value available? Is it based on an accurate appraisal?
Are you eligible for a line of credit?
Will you be getting a commitment for permanent financing?
During construction, what will the disbursements be based on? (progress inspections, completing specific work items?)
Who will be verifying the loan draw requests?
What is the type and depth of bedrock?
What effect will bedrock have on excavation, the placement of utilities and other structures, roadbeds and foundations?
What effect will engineering costs have on the overall feasibility of building?
What soil types are present, and where?
Are there any poor percolation rates? Any soils with collapse potential when under excavation? Any shrinking or swelling characteristics when soils are dry or wet?
What effect will the soils engineering costs have on the feasibility of building?
Will special construction methods be required to install building foundations, driveways or utilities? What effect will those special methods have on costs and feasibility?
Topographic Factors
Is the site too flat or too steep to be cost-effectively engineered?
How will slopes affect the installation and function of stormwater systems, utilities, driveways and buildings?
Is the slope of the site conducive to installing open stormwater systems?
Are the cut-and-fill requirements balanced? If not, how much excavation or importation of fill will be required?
What methods will be used for stabilizing cut-and-filled areas?
How will cut-and-fill engineering costs affect the feasibility of building?
What methods will be used to limit erosion and sedimentation before and after site development?
What is the location of the site in relation to services, amenities, and commuting distances to work?
Will property values increase in the area or remain stable?
Is the site located in a strong demand location with good schools, and a low crime rate?
Natural Features
Are there any designated floodplains or frequently flooded areas on the site?
Are there any federally designated wetlands on the site?
Are there any areas which appear to be wetlands on the site?
What would be the effect of wetlands on the location of buildings?
What type of existing vegetation can be found on the site?
Are trees and vegetation sufficient to avoid importing significant amounts of landscaping materials?
What effect will costs for clearing vegetation have on the feasibility?
Are there any special features on the site, such as large specimen trees, hills, rock outcroppings or other special landforms that are visually appealing?
Are there any areas with important views to a water body, mountains or hills, or other special natural features?
Were there any former uses on site that could have caused deposits of hazardous materials?
What type of inquiry should you consider to prove due diligence in discovery of possible contamination?
What would be the costs of cleaning up hazardous materials if found on the site?
What effect would public awareness of hazardous materials have on future value?
Are there any electric or magnetic fields caused by power lines either on or adjacent to the site?
Are there any existing structures currently on the site?
If so, could these structures be incorporated into the project?
If the structures are unusable, what is the cost of demolition and removal?
Site History
Is the site located within a recognized historic district?
Are there any structures on the site considered to have historic value?
Will an historic preservation survey of existing buildings or foundations of historic structures be required?
Will any historic structures be required to be preserved or restored?
Is there any archaeological significance to the site?
Land Acquisition
How many owners will you be negotiating with to acquire the land?
Are all of the owners willing to sell?
Do the owners have clear title to the property?
Is there a current survey of the site?
Is the current zoning on the site appropriate for the intended use?
If rezoning is needed, will the necessary zoning reclassification be obtainable?
What will be the approximate cost and time involved in rezoning?
What documents will be required to obtain zoning reclassification?
Is a variance obtainable for zoning restrictions?
Will a special use permit be required?
Are there any open space requirements?
What is the current and future zoning of properties contiguous to the site? What effect will future uses of contiguous land have on the site?
-Codes and Ordinances
Is your master plan in compliance with dimensions, set backs and design standards of local subdivision ordinances?
Are there any relevant special building codes because of the project location? (i.e., earthquake zones)
If so, what costs will be incurred to comply with those special building codes? What effect will special construction methods have on the building design?
Will your project be in compliance with local landscape ordinances?
Are permits required for sanitary sewer, potable water, power, cable television and telephone line installation?
-Environmental Permits and Special Studies
Does the local area participate in the National Flood Insurance Program?
Is a FEMA-designated floodplain on the site?
Is the elevation of the 100-year floodplain depicted on floodplain maps?
What methods will you use to raise the first floor above the 100-year flood level? Fill?
Are there any neighborhood associations or other organizations opposed to you building on this lot?
Have meetings been held with the appropriate groups to determine their concerns?
How much time and money will it cost to work with the various groups to develop alternative strategies to address their concerns?
Can the public utilities current capacity accept the demand of your building?
Are tap-ins and hookups for all utilities conveniently located?
If not, what effect will bringing in utilities have on costs and your building?
If utilities are not adjacent to the site, is the local utility company able to extend the utility infrastructure to the site?
Is discharge of stormwater runoff into available public infrastructure permitted?
Is there safe access to a frontage arterial road?
Is fire and police protection adequate for the home?
Are there any undesirable land uses contiguous to the property?
If so, what effect will screening undesirable uses have on your costs?
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